We offer ready-made solutions for the transport of alcoholic beverages with a wide geographical coverage. Our specialists have developed optimal itineraries, thanks to which we organize transport with a favourable ratio of delivery cost and time
Target Audience
Freight shipping services for importers and exporters of alcohol from Europe and Central Asia, as well as for producers of spirits
Submit RequestClients from the alcohol sector
orders weekly
tonnes transported in 2023
Figures for 2023
Growth Dynamics
Over the past four years, the volume of alcoholic beverages transported by STALOGISTIC has increased 80-fold
What Does the Client Get
We understand what is important for the representatives of the alcohol business, so we have adapted our solutions to the specifics of transport in this industry. We organize temperature-controlled transport of goods. We support the processes of labelling and storage of goods at our own and partner warehouses in Europe and Asia
When organizing transport, we take into account the characteristics of goods at each stage of delivery. We also provide support for the labelling process and advise partners on choosing a profitable delivery scheme

Comprehensive Service
We organize cargo delivery, customs clearance, insurance, control processing and document flow

Trusted Partners
Responsible carriers safely and carefully organize the delivery of highly liquid cargo in compliance with temperature conditions and within the agreed time frame

Warehouse Solutions
We have our own excise warehouse in Lithuania, as well as a network of partner terminals in Latvia, Poland, Belarus and Asian countries for labelling and storage of spirits

Own and partner warehouses in the EU and Belarus
Services offered:
- application of release excise stamps to any type of alcoholic beverages and their accounting by excise stamps
- EAC marking and DataMatrix system
- processing of single-item and multi-item batches

Please fill out the application form below for prompt quote calculation.
If we have any more questions, we will contact you.
Consent on the stalogistic website
By leaving a request at stalogistic.ru и stalogistic.com using the “Rate Request” section, an individual, acting freely, voluntarily and in his/her interests, as well as confirming his/her legal capacity, gives his/her consent to personal data processing (hereinafter – Consent) to “STA LOGISTIC” Limited Liability Company registered at the address: 25/3 V. Khoruzhey St., 3, isolated facility No. 3, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220123, TIN – 190471006 (hereinafter – Operator), for the following purposes:
1) For requesting the rate:
List of personal data to be processed subject to your consent: surname, first name, e-mail address, telephone number, name of the Representative Company
A list of actions with personal data for which my consent is given: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction
List of actions with personal data to which my consent is given: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, modification), extraction, use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction
Information about third parties processing personal data at the Operator’s instruction:
STA LOGISTIC BALTIC LLC (2nd Sovetskaya St., 17, letter A, office 12-N, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191036, TIN – 7840500146)
STA LOGISTIC CENTER LLC (Volkov Street, 59, office 41, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan), 420012, TIN – 1655340151)
STA Logistic LLC (Butyrskaya Street, 77, 10th floor, Moscow, Russian Federation, 127015, TIN – 7734620321)
YANDEX LLC (Lev Tolstoy Street, 16, Moscow, Russia, 119021, TIN – 7736207543)
REG.RU LLC, (Airport internal administrative district, 72/3, Moscow, 125315, TIN – 7733568767)
Personal data is processed until the achievement of the purpose, i. e. until the quotation of a rate is provided upon request or until the commencement of a pre-contractual, contractual relationship with us.
The consent may be revoked by you or your representative by sending a written application to the Operator at the postal address indicated at the beginning of the consent or by e-mail data_privacy_ru@stalogistic.com .
2) For email marketing:
List of personal data to be processed subject to your consent: name, e-mail address
List of actions with personal data to which my consent is given: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, modification), extraction, use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction
Information about third parties processing personal data at the Operator’s instruction:
YANDEX LLC (Lev Tolstoy Street, 16, Moscow, Russia, 119021, TIN – 7736207543)
REG.RU LLC, (Airport internal administrative district, 72/3, Moscow, 125315, TIN – 7733568767)
UNISENDER SMART LLC (Butyrsky Municipal District, Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya Street, 23, Moscow, 127015 TIN – 9731091240)
Personal data is processed until the purpose is achieved, i. e. until the recipient unsubscribes from the newsletter.
The consent may be revoked by you or your representative by sending a written application to the Operator at the postal address indicated at the beginning of the consent or by e-mail data_privacy_ru@stalogistic.com .